Class I
Pre 96 4WD

Copyright Geoff Ridder

2024 Class I Champion – Shaun Wade

1. general provisions

All vehicles competing in Pre 1996 4WD class must conform to the following:

  • Comply with Appendix 2, Schedule A and Appendix 3, Schedule R of the current Motorsport NZ manual and amendments thereto with specific adherence to compliance to the additional requirements of rally vehicles contained in that schedule.
  • All vehicles must be 4-wheel drive.
  • Pre 96 Vehicles
    • Lancer Evo 3 or earlier (no Evo 4 onwards)
    • Impreza body shape registered before 31/12/95.
    • Or any other 4wd car registered before 31/12/95.

We will consider all 4WD vehicles that were in series production before 12/95 even if their registration date is after that, provided they are run and are in line with the other competing vehicles.

If your Pre 96 Group A Type Car is still being run close to its Homologation, and Papers are available, your car may also be able to be used in the Pre 96 Class. Mazda BMFR, Audi Quattro, Toyota GT4 Celica, Lancia Delta etc.

The thinking behind this is we are trying to bring cars out of sheds get them used and boost the numbers in this class.

If you have a car you think may qualify, don’t hesitate to get in touch with one of the Technical Team.

These vehicles need to be pre-approved by the North Island Rally Series Technical authorities for this class, the decision of which will be final.


2.1 engine and transmission

  • Engine and Transmission must be in its original mounting position
  • No more than 2000 cc capacity with Turbo and no Variable Valve Heads / or up to 3000cc without turbo but can have Variable Valve Heads
  • We will consider period vehicles that are factory-built with a larger cc rating.

2.2 induction

No more than one turbocharger.

2.3 gearbox

  • Dog Gear Kits are permitted.
  • All gearboxes must have an H pattern with no more than 6 forward gears.
  • No Sequential Gearboxes

2.4 brakes

4 pot callipers are permitted as long as the disc has an integral bell – no removable hat-style discs. Pedal boxes are permitted.

2.5 suspension

Must be in the factory mounting position and have no “Super Expensive Canister Suspension.” What is deemed as “Super Expensive” will be decided by the North Island Rally Series Technical Team. If you intend on running canister Suspension/Shocks you must have this approved by the Mainland Technical Team first.

2.6 body modification and panels

  • Fibreglass panels must be approved by the North Island Rally Series Judges of fact.
  • Vehicles must retain original wheel arches, spoilers, and bumper shapes.
  • No Carbon or Kevlar panels and no plastic windows (exemptions for Plastic may be able to be applied for)
  • Later model facelift panels can be permitted if they are from the same body shape and are bolt-on, these must be approved by the Mainland Championship Technical Team.

2.7 wheels

Maximum of 15 inch wheels for Gravel and 18 inch for tarmac.

3. proof of eligibility

In all instances it is up to the competitor/entrant of the vehicle to provide proof of compliance, the class is designed for pre-1996 cars to be built and run without a massive budget, we are only the Championship co-ordinators and as much as we try to please everyone we are just trying to provide a fair competition across the brands of the era of cars.

Wayne Barnard, Barry Varcoe and Leigh Marston have been appointed as technical authorities in charge of this class.

Competitors are advised to be prepared, for the possibility of sealing the head to the block, at any Mainland Championship Round. This would be carried out so the Combustion Chamber size could be checked at a later date if needed.

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